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New York Association for Business Economics
A chapter of National Association for Business Economics NABE

HomeWilliam F. Butler Award

William F. Butler Award

The William F. Butler award, established in 1972, is presented annually to a distinguished business economist to honor leadership in the field of business economics. To date, 47 outstanding economists have received the William F. Butler Award.

The award was named after William F. Butler, who was one of the founders of both the National Association of Business Economists (NABE) and the NYABE. William F. Butter, was chief economist and a vice president of the Chase Manhattan since 1956 and the chairman of the New York State Council of Economic Advisers since 1951 until his death in 1972. Mr. Butler received his PhD in economics from the University of Virginia, where he also taught. In 1942 he became a War Production Board economist, moving to the McGraw‐Hill Publishing Company as senior economist in 1945. He was an economist for the Rockefeller family office from 1951 to 1956 before joining Chase Manhattan. He was also one of Governor Rockefeller's original appointees when the NY state advisory council was formed in 1968. A past president of the National Association of Business Economists, Mr. Butler had served on advisory committees to the Controller General of the United States, the Controller of the Currency, the Census Bureau and the Office of Emergency Preparedness. Dr. Butler was noted for his analytical insight, organizing ability, penetrating wit and genial warmth. 

Select Photos

Comments by The Honorary Secretary Janet L. Yellen at the NAYBE Butler Award Ceremony, 2025

The Butler Award Luncheon 2025, The Plaza Hotel, New York

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NYABE President Ellen Zentner Presenting Butler Award to Don Kohn, 2015

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NAYBE President Gregory Daco Presenting Butler Award to Oliver Blanchard, 2016


NYABE President Julia Coronado Presenting Buter Award to Lael Brainard, 2019

Past Recipients

2025 Janel L. Yellen
2019 Lael Brainard
2018 Lawrence Summers
2017 Carmen Reinhart
2016 Olivier Blanchard
2015 Donald Kohn
2014 Timothy Geithner
2013 Alan Blinder
2012 Robert Shiller
2011 Charles Steindel
2010 Paul Krugman
2009 Frederic Mishkin
2008 Martin Feldstein
2007 Richard Berner
2006 Roger Ferguson
2005 Glenn Hubbard
2004 Alice M. Rivlin
2003 William J. McDonough
2002 Laurence H. Meyer
2001 Victor Zarnowitz
2000 Robert Parker
1999 Henry Kaufman
1998 Maurine Haver
1997 Edgar R. Fiedler
1996 Erich H. Heinemann
1995 William B. Franklin
1994 Peter D. Sternlight
1993 Gerald E. Corrigan
1992 Albert M. Wojnilower
1991 Janet L. Norwood
1990 David H. Hale
1989 Robert Ortner
1988 Marina v. N. Whitman
1987 Robert G. Dederick
1986 Saul B. Klaman
1985 James J. O'Leary
1984 Francis H. Schott
1983 George W. McKinney, Jr
1982 Otto Eckstein
1980 Arthur M. Okun
1979 Tilford C. Gaines
1978 Paul W. McCracken
1977 Alan Greenspan
1976 Albert Sommers
1975 Lawrence Klein
1974 Geoffrey H. More
1973 Paul Volcker